1. I Have IIH
We are the Official IIH Support Group, for IH Brainpain, together we are passionate about raising awareness and funds for the IH Research Foundation.
2. IIH UK :: IIH - Symptoms and treatment
IIH UK is supported by the IIH Support forum. Keep up to date with all the news and views from the IIH Support forum
3. IIH Support
Sign Up Support IIH Support every time you shop online, click the sign up button to start fundraising for IIH Support.
4. Iih Support
IIH Support: Home of the UK support forum for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
5. Pseudotumor Cerebri Support Group - DailyStrength
Meet over 634 friendly, supportive people sharing their experiences with Psuedotumor-Cerebri. Real help from real people.
6. IIH Weekender Home - meet new friends with IIH
I'm sure you'll all agree that a great time was had by all. Raise funds for IIH Support with Easysearch and Easyfundraising...
7. IIH UK :: Contact Us
IIH UK: Contact Us ... IIH UK is supported by the IIH Support forum. Keep up to date with all the news and views from the IIH Support forum
8. Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Forums
This is the main forum section of the IIH Support Group. 63: 503: 04/09/2011 04:36 PM by wylee: Medicine & Treatments The place to write and ask about IIH treatments, medication ...