1. IEEE Intermag
Intermag is the premier conference on applied magnetics and information storage technologies. As a member of the international scientific and engineering communities interested in ...
2. 55th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
SPECIAL NOTE: If you plan to submit a digest and/or attend the 55th MMM Conference, please make an appointment NOW to apply for your visa to visit the U.S.
4. Intermag 2011 Taipei
Reminder for nomination deadline : Invited Talks Nomination Submission closes on Oct 28, 2010 Please hyper link to http://intermag.abstractcentral.com ...
5. IEEE International Magnetics Conference 2009
The INTERMAG 2009 Conference will be held in Sacramento, California, USA, from May 4 to May 8, 2009. All members of the international scientific communities interested in new ...
6. Intermag Company Limited
Magnesium Chemicals Specialists UK based supplies worldwide. Magnesium Oxides light, medium and heavy custom made for all technical, rubber, plastics, chemical and pharmaceutical ...
7. InterMag: What is Intermag?
What is Intermag? INTERMAG is an international association of mainly European news and current affairs magazines which exchanges items and programmes between its members - free of ...
8. Scientific Inculcation Institution Intermag. R&D projects and ...
Magnetic resonance methods aided for medical diagnostics purposes. Computer medical images processing. Expert systems for ultrasound diagnostics of thyroid gland diseases.
9. Online Conference Registration Service On-Line Conference Software ...
Yes Events Offers Online Registration Services, Online Event Registration Services, Custom Registration Forms And Conference Registrations