1. The Official Web Site of The City of Los Angeles - Home
Official Los Angeles site, includes government, residents, business, recreation and tourism and online services.
2. City of Los Angeles Personnel Department
To partner with City Departments to efficiently produce and sustain a diverse workforce which reflects the City's population and provides quality public service to the ...
3. The Official Web Site of The City of Los Angeles - Jobs Available
LAcity. Org; ENS (Early Notification System) City Meetings and Agendas; City Events Calendar; Press Room; LACityView 35; City Charter, Rules and Codes; UpdateLA (Emergency Info.)
4. City of Los Angeles, Office of the City Clerk - Election Page
Los Angeles City Elections 2011 Primary Nominating Election - Tuesday, March 8, 2011 General Municipal Election - Tuesday, May 17, 2011
5. Los Angeles City Traffic Conditions
Real-Time Traffic information for surface street traffic conditions within the City of Los Angeles. Provided by the City of Los Angeles, Department of Transportation ...
6. The City of Los Angeles : LA City Controller : Home
Office of the Controller 200 N. Main Street, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-978-7200, phone 213-978-7211, fax
7. Los Angeles City Ethics Commission - Preserving the Public Trust
Dedicated to upholding the public interest, the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission shapes, administers and enforces City ethics, campaign finance and lobbying laws ...
8. The City of Los Angeles : Early Retirement Incentive Program : Home
ERIP ENROLLMENT PERIOD IS NOW CLOSED. If you have submitted an ERIP Election Form, you will be notified on whether you have been approved for the program.