1. Leo Burnett - Big Ideas come out of Big Pencils
©2010 Leo Burnett Worldwide
2. Publicis Groupe Acquires London-Based Holler, Strengthening Leo ...
About Leo Burnett Group UK: The Leo Burnett Group, comprising of Leo Burnett (Advertising) and brand activation partners, Arc (shopper/retail marketing), Lime ...
3. Publicis Groupe Acquires London-Based Holler, Strengthening Leo ...
... Miller Brands UK, Procter & Gamble, Dept for Transport (Drug Drive, Drink Drive, Teen & Child Road Safety) and Tesco. Web site: http://www.leoburnett.co.uk
4. Publicis Groupe Acquires London-Based Holler, Strengthening Leo ...
Ford, GM, Chrysler Sales Rise as Industry Recovers; Cost of Fed Actions Starting to Offset Benefits: El-Erian; US Company Close to Deal to Buy UK's Second Largest ...
5. Amazon.co.uk: Leo Burnett
The Art of Writing Advertising: Conversations with Masters of the Craft: David Ogilvy, William Bernbach, Leo Burnett, Rosser Reeves, (McGraw-Hill Advertising Classic) by ...
6. Leo Burnett London (UK)
Leo Burnett London is the US advertising network's biggest international office, and one of the UK's leading agencies.
7. Publicis Groupe Acquires London-Based Holler Strengthening Leo ...
Web site: www.leoburnett.co.uk Contacts: Publicis Groupe Investor Relations: Martine Hue, + 33 (0)1 44 43 65 00 Martine.hue@publicisgroupe.com or Corporate ...
8. Leo Burnett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leo Burnett (October 21, 1891 – June 7, 1971) was an advertising executive who created the Jolly Green Giant, the Marlboro Man, Toucan Sam, Charlie the Tuna, Morris the ...
9. Andrew Edwards - United Kingdom | LinkedIn
CEO Leo Burnett Group UK Leo Burnett (Public Company; PUB; Marketing and Advertising industry) April 1987 — Present (23 years 6 months)