1. Ly Ly Food Industry Co., Ltd.
Presently Ly Ly Food Industry Co., Ltd. produces 10 kinds of Rice Cracker such as Coffee and Milk, Milk, Durian, Chocolate, Lychee, Prawn, Crab and Potato, Egg, Stawberry), all ...
2. Ly Ly Food Industry Co., Ltd.
Company Profile: Company name: LY LY FOOD INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Address : No. 168, Singboard St, Sangkat Toek Thlar, Khan Russey keo Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
3. Matthew Shampine's Food Log | Eat.ly
Tip. When logged in, select 'Edit Food Data' below your meal to add ingredient, calorie, and health rating information to your meal
4. 绿源食品有限公司
绿源食品有限公司 绿源果品厂 创建于1996年6月,专业生产各式腌制青果制品(如:干湿梅、日晒梅干及去核梅肉等)。
5. Friend-ly food for thought - Cleveland Friendship | Examiner.com
Think of your favorite restaurant. For me, it's Davitino's; Just the thought of their sizzling, home-made mozzarella sticks makes my mouth water instantly. Af
6. Shining Advertising Products—Digital Signage, lcd advertising ...
Shining Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of digital signage player in China. Our digital media players are available from 7inch to 55inch, There include stand-alone LCD ad ...
7. 绿源食品有限公司
网址(HTTP): http://ly-food.net: 电子邮箱(E-mail): gdlyfood@yahoo.com.cn: 联系人: 温先生: 联系人电话: 总经销: 总经销地址:
8. quality snack with nutrition:VITAMIN B6 supplier - Ly Ly Food ...
Ly Ly Food Industry Co., Ltd. profile - China quality snack with nutrition:VITAMIN B6,quality snack with nutrition:MILK / CALUIM / IRON,quality snack with nutrition:DURAN ...
9. Food Poisoning May Have Long-Term Consequences - ABC News
Episodes of food poisoning may have serious long-term consequences including kidney failure or mental retardation, researchers say.
10. In Phnom Penh - Ly Ly Food Industry Co Ltd
Ly Ly Food Industry Co Ltd in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Classified as Food Products, Processing & Suppliers...