1. GMITPUC - Home
Greater Milwaukee Information Technology Professional User Community (GMITPUC) The next meeting will be Thursday June 16 th, 2011 @ the Waukesha, Microsoft office, N19 ...
2. Mind Of Root - MOR 96 - Miss America: Free MP3 Download
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3. Mind Of Root - Episode 72 - Breathe Steve! Breathe!: Free MP3 ...
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4. Can you use a wildcard in [string]$s.Replace('bl*h ...
There are a couple of ways you can use "wildcards" to in string replacement in PowerShell by using regular expressions. For example $s -replace 'bl.*h',''
5. Get-Content Variable not working - PowerShellCommunity.org ...
I am having an issue with my script. I am setting $computerlist to get-content C:\serverlist.txt . When I try running it the loop on get-wmiobject win32_logicaldisk ...
6. PowerShell Basics » About
Welcome to PowerShell Basics. This site is meant to provide resources to people interested in using PowerShell. Monthly (more frequently if my schedule allows) screencasts ...
7. PowerShell Basics » Uncategorized
Jeffrey Snover just blogged about working around the Add-Member syntax by extending the System.Object type (which all types inherit from) with a script property called ...
8. Executing external program - Microsoft Windows Powershell
I am trying to execute an external program from my powershell script. This program takes several parameters. I have built a string ($strCmd) that