1. Political philosophy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Political philosophy is the study of such topics as liberty, justice, property, rights, law, and the enforcement of a legal code by authority: what they are, why (or ...
2. Political philosophy - New World Encyclopedia
Political philosophy is a branch of philosophy, which studies fundamental questions concerning the social or communal life of human beings. It inquires into a broad ...
3. Political philosophy: Definition from Answers.com
Library > Miscellaneous > Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Branch of philosophy that analyzes the state and related concepts such as political obligation, law, social ...
4. Political Philosophy [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
Political Philosophy. Political philosophy begins with the question: what ought to be a person’s relationship to society? The subject seeks the application of ...
5. Political philosophy : Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy ... Political philosophy. Political philosophy can be defined as philosophical reflection on how best to arrange our collective ...
6. Political philosophy - Definition
Political philosophy is the study of the fundamental questions about the state, government, politics, property, law and the enforcement of a legal code by authority ...
7. Political Philosophy Resources
APSA: Foundations of Political Theory Section http://www.apsanet.org/~theory/ This is the homepage of the Political Theory Section of the American Political ...
8. Category:Political philosophy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The main article for this category is Political philosophy. For similar topics see also: Category:Political ideologies and its main article Political ideologies.
9. Political Philosophy — Blogs, Pictures, and more on WordPress
Save the furniture! That’s where the Liberals are at, now — the Star has abandoned them. The New Democrats have been reinvigorated under the leadership of Jack ...