1. Sandra -- Bellydance -- raks-sharki.com
Sandra -- Raks-Sharki.com, the Official Sandra Belly Dance home page
2. Belly dance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Belly dance or Bellydance is a "Western"-coined name for a traditional "Middle Eastern" dance, especially raqs sharqi. It is sometimes also called Middle Eastern ...
3. The Official Raks Sharqi Website for Roya of San Francisco
belly dance, bellydance, bellydance, san francisco, bellydancers, belly dancers, san francisco, Roya, raks sharki, raqs sharqi, raqs sharki, egyptian dance, belly ...
4. Bizland
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5. Raks Sharqi - YouTube
Uploaded by Antomovie on Sep 1, 2007 Belly dance Category: Entertainment Tags: raks sharqi belly dance danza del ventre License: Standard YouTube License ...
6. Naima - Raks Sharki - Oriental Dance / Bauchtanz / Bellydance ...
Naima - Oriental Dancer http://www.naima-1001.de Worms/Germany Choreography: Naima Music: Nashwat Al Raqs CD: Nourhan Shari in Raqs Sharki Vol. 1 from www ...
7. Video: Egyptian Belly Dance: Raks Sharqi | eHow.com
Raks Sharqi means oriental dance or dance of the East, however this dance is commonly referred to as belly dancing. Learn the origins of Raks Sharqi from an ...
8. Raks Sharki
Snake Dance Belly Dance Spinning Heart of darkness Sliver of snaking light Snaking from rump to neck Snaking from spine to spine Winding, drumming Skirts fly
9. The Art of Raks Sharki - New Home
For more information on classes click here . Books, Videos, etc. recommended by Paula RAKS SHARKI, translated literally from Arabic, means, "dance of the ...
10. Egyptian Belly dance - Raks Sharki Origins, Moves, Music and Costumes
Learn about Egyptian belly dance moves, its origins, music and costumes. Egyptian Belly dance is also called Raks Sharki.