1. Shaldon village Devon
Local information about Guest Houses & BB's in Shaldon,Hotels in Shaldon,Self-catering in Shaldon,Pubs in Shaldon,Dining Out in Shaldon,Shops & Local Business in Shaldon ...
2. Shaldon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shaldon is a village in South Devon, England. It is located opposite Teignmouth in South Devon, England and situated on the River Teign. It has been described as "a quaint ...
3. Shaldon village Devon B & B's | Hotels | Self Catering
Visit Shaldon Village Devon for B&B Hotels, Shaldon Tourism, Shaldon Parish Council, Self-catering in Shaldon, Pubs in Shaldon, Dining Out in Shaldon,
4. Shaldon Primary School
Welcome to Shaldon Primary School. Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to our school’s website. We hope you find it both informative and valuable.
5. shaldon (Sossoldier) on Twitter
shaldon (Sossoldier) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow shaldon (Sossoldier) and get their latest updates
6. Shaldon Property Development
Shaldon Property Development - Building on European experience and R-2000 training for the renovation of frame, brick and stone homes, urban and rural, as well as the new ...
7. SHALDON ESTATE AGENTS - Find property, houses and estate agents in ...
Shaldon Estate Agents - Email estate agents in Shaldon to request property details; for sales and to let.
8. Holiday cottages in Shaldon from Helpful Holidays.
Shaldon: large pretty village at the mouth of the river Teign estuary: shops, ‘green’, sandy beach with boats. Bridge connects it with Teignmouth (golf)...
9. Shaldon Village Hall, Shaldon Devon UK » Consultation Result
Ben Miles (Deputy Group Scout Leader) – Committee Chairman. Anne Mears (Shaldon Village Hall Trustee) – Committee Secretary. Jim Milstead (Shaldon Village Hall Trustee)