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Updated: 14 May 2010
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icelandic   23
craftsman   94
craftsmen   81
industry   6551
employers   523
employer   230
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Content pages from the website

1. Samtök iðnaðarins (SI)
SI hefur ákveðið að efna til átaksverkefnis sem hlotið hefur nafnið Ár nýsköpunar – frumkvæði, fjárfesting, farsæld. Markmið verkefnisins er að kynna og efla ...

Related pages about the website

1. International System of Units - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The International System of Units (abbreviated SI from the French Le S ystème I nternational d'Unités) is the modern form of the metric system and is generally a system of units of ...
2. Is Si | Facebook
It's free and anyone can join. Already a Member? Login to contact Is Si.
3. What is SI? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary
This page describes the term SI and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information.
4. Current definitions of the SI units
The following definitions of the SI base units are taken from NIST Special Publication 330 (SP 330), The International System of Units (SI).
5. SI base unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The International System of Units (SI) defines seven units of measure as a basic set from which all other SI units are derived. These SI base units and their physical quantities are: ...
6. The International System of Units (SI)
The International System of Units (SI) All systems of weights and measures, metric and non-metric, are linked through a network of international agreements supporting the ...
7. Essentials of the SI: Base & derived units
SI base units. The SI is founded on seven SI base units for seven base quantities assumed to be mutually independent, as given in Table 1.
8. SI -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Physics
"SI" stands for "System International" and is the set of physical units agreed upon by international convention. The SI units are sometimes also known as MKS units, where MKS ...
9. CNN/SI Network Page - sports news, scores, photos, columns and expert analysis from the world of sports including NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, college basketball, college football, golf ...

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