1. изменение климата, магнитное поле ...
изменение климата, магнитное поле земли, апокалипсис, катаклизмы ... "Как остановить климатические ...
2. Stop GW and save the world ? - Yahoo! Answers
Tell me, how many of you people really believe tha…
3. How can we stop gw bush from killing people.....????? - Yahoo ...
At this point, you should have realized that you can't.... And the next person who gets in there will do the same....
4. YouTube - Stop_GW_bWOL 2
Cycling against GW on Feb 10,2008. The mayoress of CM shares hosting for this campaign.
5. bebo.com - Profile from Stop GW Bullies <stopgwbullies>
Bebo provides an open, engaging, and fun environment that empowers a new generation to discover, connect and express themselves.
6. UK Indymedia - Stop GW Bush's visit - Gtr Manchester Activist ...
A network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and ...
7. UK Indymedia | Stop GW Bush's visit - Gtr Manchester Activist ...
The Greater Manchester Coalition to Stop the War is hosting an open meeting and brain- storming session to plan for a whole range of different protests for GW Bush's state visit to ...
8. YouTube - Vid to stop GW whining allegedly
This vid is aimed at two transatlantic friends ... you know who you are.