1. Scrum.se
Citerus är ett konsultföretag som hjälper sina kunder att lyckas med mjukvaruutveckling. Sedan 1996 har vi utvecklat mjukvara, lett projekt, förbättrat utvecklarpraxis och ...
2. Scrum Checklist - Crisp AB
Translated versions: French ; German; Hebrew; Japanese; Korean; Polish ; Portuguese; Spanish ; What is this? The Scrum checklist is a simple tool to help you get started with Scrum, or assess your ...
3. scrum.se
Scrum.se is a domain controlled by two name servers at citerus.net. Having a total of two IP numbers. Two name servers have the same IP number. Both are on the same IP network.
4. in five minutes
Scrum and agile method S are hot topic S theSe dayS "a simple method for the management of complex projects ..." "older methods focus on staying on track; Scrum is aimed at ...
5. Scrum and XP from the Trenches
This book has moved! The latest version is available at InfoQ: http://www.infoq.com/minibooks/scrum-xp-from-the-trenches (Still free, but registration is required.
6. SE-CURE AG - CMMI/Scrum Coaching (SPI, CMMI, appraisals ...
SE-CURE AG - CMMI/Scrum Coaching ... 1. General. The nature of SE-CURE AG's coaching services are to: Provide practical support;
7. scrum-tl9000.se
Scrum-tl9000.se is delegated to two name servers, however two extra name servers are listed in the zone. The primary name server is ns1.loopia.se. Incoming mail for scrum-tl9000.se ...
8. Essays.se: SCRUM
Swedish University essays about SCRUM. Search and download thousands of Swedish university essays. Full text. Free.
9. Scrum (development) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scrum is facilitated by a ScrumMaster, also written as Scrum Master, whose primary ... Software Engineering; Fields
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