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giving, tax, effective   ( 3 ... )
Updated: 23 Jan 2011
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Keyword analysis

giving   594
tax   1363
effective   2915
Keywords are search requests to search engines that people use to find some information. Keywords on a web page reflect what the page is about. Below are the keywords the site. Green line represents the frequency of keyword usage on the site.

Homepage links

Internal - 86
External - 7

Internal links from the site's home page define the general site's sections and serves as one of the most important factors of site ranking. External links tie the site with other sites and determines the site's theme. Relation of external links to internal links influences the distribution of the site's rank for search engines. It's desirable that the amount of internal links prevail.

Content pages from the website

1. Tax-Effective Giving
Help giving go even further for your charity – attend a tax-effective giving workshop in your area for only £20.00 and look after your pennies by turning every £1 ...

Related pages about the website

1. Changes in UK tax-effective giving: implications for donor ...
How to Cite. Morgan, G. G. (2000), Changes in UK tax-effective giving: implications for donor fundraising strategies. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary ...
2. Tax-Effective Giving for UK and US Taxpayers
Small British organisation helping people in conflict situations to seek out paths towards lasting peace. Concordis International
Microsoft Word - UK tax effective giving scheme - 030708.doc
4. Tax-Effective Giving | Facebook
Welcome to a Facebook Page about Tax-Effective Giving ... Tax-Effective Giving New Tax-Effective Giving Website Launched! Visit it at:
5. : Tax Effective Giving Tax Effective Giving. Cruelty line: 0300 1234 999 Advice line: 0300 1234 555
6. Tax Effective Giving and Your Organisation - Raising Funding (UK)
This article looks at a variety of ways that you can donate money in a tax-effective way.
7. Tax Effective Giving | Wolfson College, University of Oxford, OX2 6UD
Helping you to maximise the value of your gift. UK tax payers. Using gift aid to increase the value of your gift. You can make your gift 28% larger at no cost to yourself.
8. eNews 261107
Go to Tax-Effective Giving - Are You Claiming Your Share of the Missing Millions? NAVCA has partnered with the Institute of Fundraising to provide ...
9. Tax-Effective Giving | Facebook
Welcome to a Facebook Page about Tax-Effective Giving ... New Tax-Effective Giving Website Launched! Visit it at:

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