1. teatr-labor.ru
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2. teatr-estrada.ru
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3. The Russian theatre "Teatralnaya Laboratoriya of Vadim Maksimov ...
Here is some general info about the Russian theatre: http://www.teatr-labor.ru/?dir=news&sub=info&doc=english. Sincerely, Anton Vetrov producer ph: 416-897-8048
4. Russian Theatre in Toronto [Archive] - Urban Toronto
For further information visit our web-sites: www.teatr-labor.ru and www.teatr-labor.info or contact us by the telephone: 416-897-8048. Ticket on the door - $20.
5. Домены зоны .RU начинающиеся с TEA
Поиск: ... pi-pm | pn-po | pp-pq | pr-pr | ps-pz | qa-qz | ra-ra | rb-rd | re-re | rf-rn | ro-ro | rp-rt | ru-ru | ...
6. Russian Theatre in Toronto
For further information visit our web-sites: www.teatr-labor.ru and www.teatr-labor.info or contact us by the telephone: 416-897-8048. Ticket on the door - $20.
7. Ekaterina Bulatova - Pipl Profile
Voluspa (monodrama) ... [ www.teatr-labor.info] You can check your party by typing in either the first letter of the email or ... Ekatertina2003@rbcmail.ru ( Ekaterina Bulatova ...
8. Teatralnaya laboratoriya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Teatralnaya Laboratoriya of Vadim Maksimov (Theatre Laboratory of Vadim Maksimov) is the only theatre in Russia that works using Antonin Artaud 's theories on The Theatre of Cruelty.
9. Teatralnaya Laboratoriya. Notebook.
St. Petersburg Teatralnaya Laboratoriya of Vadim Maksimov ... VOLUSPA The Wise-Woman`s Prophecy on the International Festival of Music and Theatre Faun