1. Yahoo! Messenger - Chat, Instant message, SMS, Video Call, PC Calls
Yahoo! Messenger - Chat with friends for free and enjoy stealth settings, video calls, PC calls, file sharing, photo sharing, SMS, emoticons, & more.
2. Yahoo! Messenger for the Web
Yahoo! Messenger for the Web - Instant message with your Yahoo! and Windows Live Messenger friends immediately. No download or installation required.
3. Chat Rooms - Yahoo! Messenger
Join chat rooms in Yahoo! Messenger to discuss a variety of topics with other people. Discuss sports, entertainment, politics, romance and more.
4. Yahoo! Messenger - Chat, Instant message, SMS, Video Call, PC Calls
Yahoo! Messenger - Chat with friends for free and enjoy stealth settings, file sharing, photo sharing, SMS, emoticons, & more.
5. Yahoo! Answers - I cant delete a contact in yahoo ...
There's this girl, from my yahoo messenger contact… ... There's this girl, from my yahoo messenger contacts who, out of the blue, sends me an IM, here goes:
6. I cant delete a contact in yahoo messenger ...
There's this girl, from my yahoo messenger contact… ... There's this girl, from my yahoo messenger contacts who, out of the blue, sends me an IM, here goes:
7. Yahoo! Messenger
Voice service ("Phone Out"), you can also use Yahoo! Messenger with Voice to make calls to normal landline or mobile phones. You must be a registered Yahoo! user in order to use ...
8. My text is not displaying in yahoo messenger? - Yahoo!7 Answers
"My text is not displaying in yahoo messenger?" - Find the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo!7 Answers.
9. My text is not displaying in yahoo messenger? - Yahoo! Answers India
0 Yahoo! Answers - My text is not displaying in yahoo messenger? – Discover the answer for this question and Earn more points for the best answer on Yahoo! Answers India
10. Yahoo! Messenger 9 Help
Yahoo! Messenger Basics First time user? Get started with Messenger Basics How can I tell when a message was sent? Looking at the date stamp is key.